I can think of hundreds of answers to this question. Some say that they can study God’s Word on their own. But in my experience, very few individuals are able to continue the discipline of prayer and Bible study without the regular encouragement of an individual or group.
In my experience, a small group of persons gathered together to study the Bible has the potential to bring out the best in each other. We are able to hold one another positively accountable to keep our commitments. We are able to ask questions that deepen our understanding of God’s Word and application of His truth. Our varied personalities and spiritual gift sets helps us to approach learning and life opportunities from fresh perspectives.
We stretch each other. We keep each other honest. We are able to help each other through valleys of difficulty. Thus, small group Bible studies are natural launching points of ministry to attenders’ needs and to points on contact in the world. In so many ways, we bring out the best in each other.
In addition to the reasons above, I like the reasons given in answer to this question on www.allaboutgod.com. In the web article, these reasons are shared:
we weren’t created to be alone (a reminder from God’s Word and Rick Warren’s book, A Purpose Driven Life),
it will transform your life (happens less often on our own),
it will help you grow in praying together and sharing victories (great sources of help and encouragement), and
the Bible talks about it (Jesus’ example, Acts 2:42-47, and other passages).
What reason would you give to someone asking this question? Share your small group “testimony” by pressing the comments button below. Don’t sit on the sidelines! Plug into a group–be transformed and transforming! Be revolutionary.
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