Join me in a pause for reflection. Consider your recent prayers as a Sunday School class. Ask these questions:
- For what are you and your Sunday School class praying?
- Are your prayers big or small?
- Are your prayers inward focused or outward focused?
- Are they specific or general?
- Are they prayer ritual or praying in faith?
Your prayers have potential and power to shape you and your class? For instance, if you pray for God to help you reach an unreached people group, He will likely answer that prayer exceedingly abundantly beyond anything you can ask or imagine. If you pray in faith for ten new people to join your class, He will likely send many people along your path in the coming months to whom you can care, minister, and invite.
Pray for ministry impact. Pray for testimonies shared. Pray for lives impacted. Pray for souls won. Pray for communities changed. Pray for lives and hearts. Pray BIG, God-sized prayers. (Don’t forget to thank Him when He answers!)
Pray alone and together. Pray on Sunday and through the week. Pray with a common focus and with individual needs. Pray at regular times and without ceasing.
Your prayers matter. God listens. God cares. And God desires to bless. And prayer shapes you and your class. Don’t be afraid of the new shape. It will be better than the previous one!
Pray. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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