I like Vacation Bible School; I like Vacation Bible School; we work and play together and we learn the golden rule; I like Vacation Bible School.
The above are lyrics to a song that I learned over 45 years ago. I did like and still like Vacation Bible School. Growing up, VBS was always the first week of June and began with a parade through my small town of Lexington, TN. The first car following the police escort was a convertible with the American Flag, the Christian Flag and the Bible being lifted high. The cars behind would honk to alert people that VBS began on Monday at First Baptist Church.
Fifth and Sixth Graders were allowed to carry the flags and Bible each day during the processional. And the morning always started off with the greeting “Good Morning, Boys and Girls.” This greeting was always followed with “Good Morning, Brother Duesner.” Before the sit down chord, all those present would recite the pledges to the American Flag, to the Christian Flag, and to the Bible. I can still quote those pledges today. The pledge to the Bible went like this:
“I Pledge Allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, that I might hide its words in my heart and not sin against God.” Each day and each activity was designed to help boys and girls understand God’s Holy Word. VBS Impacted Me! It taught me the stories of the Bible, it encouraged me to understand and apply those stories. And because of VBS and Sunday School, God’s Word became real and meaningful.
Churches all across the United States and the World will conduct VBS. The themes will be different, but the goal is the same. Boys and girls, man and women, need to be encouraged to allow God’s Word to become real and meaningful. As I look back on my life, I was able for the most part to keep my pledge, to hide God’s Word in my heart, to say no to temptation and peer pressure. My goal became to live for Christ and to bring Glory to him.
VBS impacted ME!
Mark Miller is the Sunday School Director for the Tennessee Baptist Convention. You can also read Mark’s personal blog at http://drmarkmiller.wordpress.com/
Does anyone know the exact percentage of Baptisms that come out of VBS?
Josh Hunt
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