I have been thinking about a verse I had not noticed until recently. Apparently the Lord wants me to dwell on it because it keeps coming to remembrance. And the verse has much to do with revitalized and revolutionary Sunday School. Here is the verse:
So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and they increased in numbers daily. (Acts 16:5, ESV)
There was maturational and numerical church growth. Daily. The two go together naturally. When the Lord sends people for whom the church is to care and nurture, more “care-givers” (maturing disciples) are needed.
What evidence might we see that maturational and numerical increase is happening in the Sunday School? Consider the following:
MATURATIONAL. Consider this evidence of strengthened faith:
- hunger: increase desire for and time spent with the Lord in Bible study and prayer,
- life change: taking on Jesus’ priorities and agenda
- characteristics: growth in expression of the fruit of the Spirit
- love and concern: actively loving God, others, and self
- workers: more teachers and workers stepping up to care for more people in the class, church, and community
- training: increased desire for training to be effective in ministry, service, and discipleship
- evangelism: sharing Jesus with others in word and example
NUMERICAL. Consider this evidence of increase in numbers:
- attendance: increase overall or in an age group or class weekly attendance
- worship: worship attendance increase as a result of increased Sunday School attendance
- enrollment: new members enrolled
- guests: more guests invited and attending each week
- classes: more classes started because of more workers stepping up (increasing the care quotient)
- salvation: Jesus shared with more people who accept Him as Savior and Lord
What would you add to these evidence lists? What evidence of maturational and numerical increase do you see in your Sunday School? Where can you start to move your class or Sunday School to a place to see and experience this evidence? Pray. Gather a team. Evaluate honestly. Prioritize needed actions. Acts. Adjust. Reach and make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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