In Part 1, I started thinking aloud about the potential impact of the discipleship tool of the Sunday School. I suggested that thinking focus on what Sunday School can do to impact one disciple. Then I shared these questions:
What can Sunday School do to take a brand new, baby Christian to help them to become an obedient, Christ-following disciple and disciplemaker? Let’s call the person Ken or Kendra. Don’t talk in generalities, be specific. Don’t limit your thinking to what Sunday School can do on Sunday morning, but include that experience in your responses as well. What can the teacher and members of that youth or adult class (or an off campus small group) do to impact Ken or Kendra in such a way that he/she becomes the person Christ desires? (After these questions, I asked for Comments and gave a couple of days.)
In Part 2, I want to continue our thinking–not to stop it. In my experience, there are many ways Sunday School can impact the discipleship of Ken/Kendra. To start our thinking, here are a couple of ways:
- WITH GOD. An ongoing relationship with God is key to growing as a disciple. This relationship began with God’s interaction in Ken/Kendra’s life through experiences, nature, people, His Word, and other means. Prayer is important to maintaining that relationship. Classes can and should pray for Ken/Kendra–privately and together. Sunday School can be a great ministry to teach and encourage prayer–during the session and between sessions. Sunday School session/members can model praying for Ken/Kendra. Individual members can be prayer partners with Ken/Kendra.
- WITH GOD’S WORD. Sunday School sessions are natural places for teaching and encouraging Ken/Kendra to study God’s Word. Every week, Bible study is modeled. When the teacher and members share their experiences with/insights into God’s Word, they model methods for private Bible study experiences as well as insights about the importance of application of God’s truth and daily obedience. In addition, ideally the session is a time in which attenders are led to encounter God in Bible study. That way Ken/Kendra get hands-on experiences which can help him/her repeat that encounter with God.
What else would you add to these two ways? What else would you add beside these two ways? Lead Ken/Kendra to pray and study God’s Word. Disciple at least one person this year. Be revolutionary!
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