Revolutionary Sunday School works to make a difference for God in the world. That’s why classes focus prayer, time, and energy on touching lives for God. These classes regularly make ministry project plans together.
Thanksgiving is a natural time of year to minister to others as an act of giving thanks to God. For the Christian, the symbol of Thanksgiving should be praying hands rather than a turkey. It should be a thankful heart and attitude rather than a full belly. It should be acts of service rather than acts of Black Friday shopping.
As class teacher or care leader, pray and share these options to your class about a possible Thanksgiving class ministry project. There are many possibilities. Here are a few of them:
- BOXES OF LOVE. Collect food, Bibles, gospel tracts, and money. Use the money for fresh, perishable food such as turkey, bread, milk, etc. Check with local agencies for names of needy families. I will never forget taking a group of boys to the home of a needy family on the night before Thanksgiving. The refrigerator was almost empty. The family and the boys were impacted deeply from the effort.
- THANKSGIVING FEAST. Invite a needy person or family to your homes for Thanksgiving. Your gift will mean more than simply a full stomach. Or get your class together at the church to feed a group of abused women, needy people, or other group. This could even be done on Thanksgiving for the evening meal.
- WORLD HUNGER. Pray and collect money to give to a world hunger agency like the International Mission Board. Your gift will meet human needs around the world.
- NEEDY CHILDREN. Pray, give money, or collect food/food cards. Call an agency like the Sunrise Children’s Services to find out about projects with which your class may volunteer to help.
- PRISONERS. Contact local area jails/prisons about projects. Start a monthly/weekly Bible study. Contact Prison Fellowship about how your class can help. Minister to the families of prisoners through Project Angel Tree.
- WIDOWS/WIDOWERS. Prepare a meal for widows/widowers in the church and community. Conduct home winterization projects. Look for small in-home projects, like replacing bulbs, replacing furnace filter, etc. Visit in homes. Listen to stories and needs. Pray with them. Rake leaves. Help around the house. Run errands. Take them to appointments.
- SINGLE PARENTS. Collect money and seek out persons who are handy in small car repairs. Change oil and plugs; add fluids; rotate tires; check air pressure; replace bulbs, wipers, and air filter; etc. (Contact First Baptist Church, Richmond for more details.) Open the effort to needy singles in the church and community.
There are hundreds of other ideas. Pray. Follow God’s leadership. Think God-sized. Make a difference for Him this Thanksgiving! Be revolutionary!
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