I am attending a meeting of state leaders, and we are dealing with some serious questions churches are facing today. There are some obvious advantages to meeting at church. In most cases, none of the class attenders is responsible for cleaning or setting up the classroom. No parents have to worry about a babysitter. People generally know where the church is. Worship happens before or after Sunday School in the same building(s). Less time is invested in attending class and worship at church when they are back to back.
There are advantages to meeting in a home. Some feel more comfortable in a home than in a church. Schedule can be adjusted to allow more Bible study and fellowship time–don’t have to rush in order to get to worship. Can meet any time that is convenient for attenders. Generally better for smaller groups. Can take turns playing host, getting more attenders involved in the class. A babysitter can be provided for parents.
But which is the best? Can one reach all people? Or will both be required? Since 40% cannot attend on Sunday morning, options must be considered in order for the church to take Bible study to the world.
With whom is meeting at church best? With whom is meeting in a home best? Can both be offered without competition or complications in the church? Is it possible for a church to transition to weekly Sunday School at church and small group Bible studies in homes?
I have lots of questions. Revolutionary Sunday School will need to answer these questions. What do you think? Add more classes and groups. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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