We sometimes can become so focused on being an evangelistic or missional group (a group that is impacting its culture during the week), that we can overlook the fact that God wants our group to truly enjoy each others’ company. Jesus even said for us to love each other, and by our love the world will know that we are His disciples (John
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13:34-35). It’s chemistry. Loving, praying, and caring for each other are some key elements of a healthy, missional group.
Many of the people in your group lead relationally bankrupt lives. They may be very successful, at the pinnacle of their career, and not have even one or two close friends. I think I could even make the argument that many people today lack basic relationship skills. Your group needs to be a place where people can connect with one another and overcome some of their social ineptitudes.
Your Sunday School class is a chemistry class where all sorts of personalities are mixed together. The Bible is our Bunsen burner. With it, we refine the impurities from ourselves and from our group. We learn to love and accept the odd member or two. Your class is the place where the rude guy with the loud mouth learns to hold his tongue and become more accepting. You know… kind of the way the small group of guys Jesus surrounded Himself with put up with Peter until he became – Simon Peter, rock-solid!
To accomplish this transformational process, your group needs time together. Plan something social in which your group can participate. These are opportunities for the followers in your group who are farther along in their walk to show how others how to build relationships that are deep and lasting.
Man, thanks Bob for the great reminder that it’s not just a Bible study class, but a Bible study class of PEOPLE. And each person has a need to find community; a place where they can develop relationships that will be loving and supportive. A place where they can become the person God designed them to be. I appreciate the reminder as I head into the weekend and really zero in on the time we’ll have Sunday morning!