What if there was one strategy that could impact disciple-making and growth in your Sunday School, church, and community? Multiplying leaders and groups is that strategy!
I want to invite you to check out the 31 Days of Extreme Sunday School on the Sunday School Leaders blog. My peers (state Sunday School directors) and I are blogging daily about a new groups strategy and movement. We are blogging through the book, Extreme Sunday School Challenge: Engaging Our World Through New Group, by my friends Bruce Raley and David Francis.
I want to encourage you to read the posts daily. In fact, subscribe so you won’t miss a single post! When you subscribe, every post will be delivered to your email box the next day.
Here is a taste of the titles and authors for the first few days of the series:
- Day 1: The Challenge, by Bruce Raley (LifeWay),
- Day 2: Open Group Sunday School, by Phil Mitchell (North Carolina)
- Day 3: Benefits of Ongoing Groups, by Mark Miller (Tennessee)
- Day 4: Bringing Balance to Sunday School, by Bob Mayfield (Oklahoma)
- Day 5: Sunday School and Making Disciples, by Roger Byrd (California)
I wrote posts for Days 17-19. I hope you will reflect on every post during the month. Share them with your leaders. Begin to pray for new leaders and new groups. Train and mobilize more people to care for more people. This is disciple-making at its essence. Think Great Commission! Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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